LEGO – 신제품 – Pirates of the Caribbean


Raise your hands if you’re psyched about the new “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies coming out this summer. Okay, obviously there’s no way to check on who has their hands up, but I’m guessing that a lot of you do. Well, we’re psyched about Jack Sparrow’s fourth cinematic voyage too, even if it’s still a few months away from setting sail.

But to tide you over, how about some LEGOs? Specifically, ones having to do with the “Pirates” franchise? We’ve got an exclusive first look at LEGO’s new toys which feature set pieces from “On Stranger Tides” such as the Fountain of Youth and Queen Anne’s Revenge. Click on that big honking ship below to see all the beautiful toys!

스타워즈 인디아나 존스..페르시아 왕자 등.
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